Twitter may not be eHarmony…but where do you turn in case the crush wants to tweet away? And thus do you. Now what?

Here is ideas on how to flirt on Twitter:

1. Choose a lovely avatar and create an inspired, brief bio.

2. Follow individuals strategically. If you’d like your own crush to follow you on Twitter, you might must not be after a multitude of scantily clad visitors. Pick interesting men and women, your favorite celebrities and writers, and career-relevant Twitter records to follow along with.

3. Follow your own crush.

4. Tweet. You should not just retweet circumstances or article photographs, tweet amusing, fascinating (and grammatically non-offensive) sentences.

5. Answer your crush’s tweets. Retweet their unique funniest findings. (do not retweet every thing, however, until you wish to encounter as a stalker.) Casually engage him/her in talk. If he is tweeting about their search for the city’s most useful pancakes, suggest your preferred brunch place.

6. Important: Imagine before you decide to tweet. End up being specifically cautious after every night of ingesting. (Drunk-tweeting will be the new drunk-dialing. Absolutely nothing good actually comes from it.)

7. Flirt with one person at a time. If the crush finds out that he/she is one of many people you drive amusing, flirtatious tweets at, your chances of ever before establishing a commitment with this individual tend to be officially over.

8. Go on it reduce and ensure that it it is clean. You should not delivered limitless tweets his/her means. Avoid using juicy, innuendo-filled vocabulary. Twitter is actually community. If you don’t wish your parents or your boss reading your tweets, don’t hit “Tweet.”

9. Go on to drive messaging. You’ll share a lot more private information (like your telephone number) in a far more private environment.

10. Linked to # 9: Phone him/her. Grab the communicating offline. Talk in the telephone — and ask him/her down.